About Sharanda

Money ain't right but looking broke ain't right either
I lost my job in March 2012 after being there for 6 years. Even though I was getting my unemployment, it wasn't the same amount that I was getting when I was working. (of course). So with my pay decrease I didn't want to look like I was broke.
There is always a way around something.
I got so tired of going to my closet looking for something cute to wear (as if something was actually in there) not finding anything. It was rather I had a cute shirt and no bottom or had the bottoms and no shirt to match or had the whole outfit and not the right shoes. Oh I hate that!!!   Don't you?
I don't know about you but I get bored with my look. Wearing the same clothes all the time is such a downer; maybe because i'm a girlie girl and like to dress up and look nice.
At first I was telling myself well I'm stuck with what I have in my closet so I might as well smile but then I thought about it remember when I said "There is always a way around something." Well it is.

There are plenty of websites that offer very affordable clothing and accessories. There are local discount stores that have good quality merchandise for a much low price. There are thrift stores. Yes thrift stores. I must admit when I first thought of thrift stores I was like ewww but honey I went in there and found some really cute pieces for little of nothing.
I have definely learned to not spend all my money on one piece of clothing when I can get several pieces for that same price.
I will not buy a shirt over $20, Pants over $20, Shoes over $40, Jewelry over $15 or Dresses over $40 or Handbags over $40. I say $40 because I wear a lot of dresses on the weekend and have to be on point even if nothing else is.

The only way I would pay a little extra is if I had a little extra to splurge on and still then the outfit has to be very cute.

I do a lot of online shopping as well. Recently I found a website where you can buy dresses and shoes extremely cheap which I will share with you later. Stay tuned...Add me to your favorites.
I have never been a label girl. If it's not my name on it then I could care less whose name is on it unless I can get it for a reasonable price.Can you agree with me on that??
I have maxed out my cards before and jacked up my credit trying to stay cute so........
My Motto: If I can't pay cash for it then I don't need it.  Those credit cards are the devil. and besides I don't like having to owe money back to folks. Its very nerve wrecking and irritating to me.
I stick to what I can afford and what I can't I don't cry about it. Why??? Its not that serious.
Enough about me. Hopefully I can share with you all the fashion deals that I find so you can know where to go. I hope you enjoy my Fashion Blog.
Looking Good on a Budget

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