Tuesday, January 15, 2013

$1.00 Accessories

If you haven't noticed by now, I try to cut corners in anyway I can when it comes to cost. So I had to share with you this store that we have in our area named Z's Outlet.

They sell $1.00 jewelry. I don't mean just a few pieces of jewelry but the whole entire store is packed down with all kinds of jewelry. If you love jewelry you will feel like you are in heaven. I went a little crazy in there but hey that's what we do; especially when the price is only $1.00. RACK UP!!!!

So if you are ever in Birmingham, Alabama do yourself a favor and stop by Z's Outlet. They have every color under the sun and not just for you but your little girl as well. My daughter has naturally curly hair so I twisted my daughters hair all over and needed some hair acessories for it. When I went in there it was just my intention to buy me some jewelry not knowing that they sold hair accessories for children as well.

So now she is really loving her hair with the pretty headbands and bows and because everyone is telling her that her hair is cute.

Accessories make the outfit pop!!!!


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